Friday, August 8, 2014



Model Discovery Learning refers to learning theory is defined as a process of learning that occurs when students are not presented with a lesson in its final form, but students are expected to organize themselves.

As a model of learning, Discovery Learning has the same principle with the inquiry (inquiry) and Problem Solving. There is no difference of principle in these three terms.

At Discovery Learning more emphasis on the discovery of concepts or principles that were previously unknown. Differences inquiry and problem solving with the Discovery Learning discovery learning is that the students confronted the problem that some sort of problem that was engineered by the teacher.

Applying Discovery Learning model of teaching teachers act as mentors to give students opportunities for active learning, as the opinion of the teacher should be able to guide and direct the learning activities of students in accordance with the purpose. Conditions such as these want to change the teaching and learning activities are teacher-oriented to student-oriented.

In Discovery Learning, the teacher should have to give his students the opportunity to become a problem solver, a scientis, historin, or mathematician. Teaching materials are not presented in its final form, but students are required to perform a variety of activities to gather information, compare, categorize, analyze, integrate, reorganize material and make conclusions.

Discovery Learning can:

     Helping students to improve and enhance the skills and cognitive processes. Discovery efforts are key in this process, a person depending on how they learn.
     The knowledge gained through these methods is very personal and powerful because it strengthens the understanding, retention and transfer.
     Cause of pleasure to the students, because the growing sense of investigating and successfully.
     This learning model allows students growing rapidly and according to their own pace.
     Cause students to direct their own learning activities involving his wits and his own motivation.
     This learning model discovery learning can help students reinforce the concept itself, because gaining confidence in collaboration with others.
     Centered on the role of students and teachers alike actively secretes ideas. Even the teachers can act as a student, and as a researcher in the discussion situation.
     Help students eliminate skepticism (skepticism) because it leads to the final truth and certain or definite.
     Students will understand basic concepts and ideas better;
     Assist and develop retention and transfer to the new learning situation;
     Encourage students to think and work on their own initiative;
     Encourage students to think and formulate hypotheses own intuition;
     Provide decisions that are intrinsic; The situation becomes more aroused the learning process;
     The learning process includes aspects fellow students leading to the formation of the whole man;
     Increasing the level of awards to students;
     The possibility of students learning by utilizing various types of learning resources;
     Can develop individual talents and skills.

Discovery learning learning model has led to the assumption that there is a readiness of mind to learn. For students who are less intelligent, will have difficulty thinking or expressing abstract or relationships between concepts, written or oral, that in turn will lead to frustration.

Discovery learning learning model is not efficient to teach the number of students that much, because it takes a long time to help them find a theory or solving other problems.
Expectations contained in this method can be dispersed dealing with students and teachers who are familiar with the ways of the old learning.

Discovery learning learning model is more suitable for developing understanding, while developing aspects of concepts, skills and overall emotions received less attention.
In some disciplines, such as science lacking facilities to measure the ideas presented by the students. Discovery learning learning model does not provide opportunities for thought to be found by students to be chosen in advance by the teacher.

Step-by-Step Implementation Model Learning Discovery Learning

Step 1 Preparation
Preparatory step learning model discovery (discovery learning) are as follows:

     Determine the purpose of learning
     To identify the characteristics of students (prior knowledge, interests, learning styles, and so on)
     Choosing subject matter.
     Determine the topics that students need to learn inductively (from the examples of generalization)
     Develop learning materials in the form of examples, illustrations, and so the task for students to learn
     Set the lesson topics from simple to complex, from the concrete to the abstract, or from the stage enaktif, iconic to symbolic
     Conducting an assessment process and student learning outcomes

2 Implementation

a. Stimulation (stimulation / granting of stimulation)
First of all at this stage students are faced with something that causes confusion, then proceed to not give a generalization, so that the desire to investigate itself. Besides, teachers can begin by asking questions PBM activities, recommended reading books, and other learning activities leading to the preparation of problem solving. Stimulation at this stage serves to provide the conditions of learning interactions that can develop and assist students in exploring material.

b. Problem statement (statement / identification problem)
After stimulation selanjutya step is the teacher allowed students to identify as many as possible agendas of issues relevant to the lesson material, then one of them is selected and formulated in the form of hypotheses (while the answer to the question of the problem)

c. Data collection (Collection of Data).
When the ongoing exploration of teachers also provide an opportunity for students to gather as much information that is relevant to prove the truth of the hypothesis (Shah, 2004: 244). At this stage serves to answer the question or prove the truth of the hypothesis, thus students are given the opportunity to collect (collection) of various relevant information, reading literature, watching the object, interviews with informants, conduct their own trials and so on.

d. Data Processing (Data Processing)
According to Shah (2004: 244) is a data processing activity to process the data and information that has been obtained by the students through interviews, observation, and so on, and then interpreted. All informai readings, interviews, observation, and so on, are all processed, randomized, classified, tabulated, even when it needs to be calculated and interpreted in a certain way at a certain confidence level

e. Verification (Proof)
At this stage the students perform a careful examination to prove whether or not the hypothesis set out earlier by finding alternatives, associated with the results of data processing (Shah, 2004: 244). Verification according to Bruner, intended that the learning process will go well and creatively if the teacher provides opportunities for students to find a concept, theory, rule or understanding through examples that he encountered in his life.

f. Generalization (draw conclusions / generalizations)
Stage generalization / draw conclusions is the process of pulling a conclusion can be made and the general principles applicable to all events or the same problem, having regard to the results of the verification (Shah, 2004: 244). Based on the results of verification of the formulated principles underlying the generalization

Assessment In Learning Model Discovery (Discovery Learning)
In Discovery Learning Model Learning, assessment can be done using test and non test.

Assessment can be used cognitive assessment, processes, attitudes, or assessment of students' work. If penialainnya form a cognitive assessment, then the discovery learning learning model can use a written test. If the assessment process using the assessment form, attitude, or the assessment of students' work, the implementation of the assessment can be done by observation....

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