Tuesday, July 22, 2014


PAIKEM Learning Model

A.     Differences Models, Strategies, and Methods of Learning

In the learning process, there are several terms that are often used to describe the situation of teaching and learning activities. Some terms are often inconsistent use or overlap is the term models, approaches, strategies, methods, and techniques of learning. The use of each of these terms should be understood contextually, as there is rarely a term used as the approach, strategies, models and learning methods. Term limits on models, approaches, strategies, methods, and techniques of learning can be seen on the following exposure.

1 Learning Model

The learning model is a term used to describe the organization of the learning process from the begining until finish. In the learning model already reflects the application of an approach, method, technique or learning tactics as well. According Udin (1996) learning model is a conceptual framework that describes a systematic procedure in organizing learning experiences to achieve certain goals. The model serves as a guide for teachers in planning and implementing learning activities. Thus, the learning model can use several methods, techniques and tactics at the same time learning

2 Approaches or Strategies Learning

Approach to learning is a term that encompasses the entire learning process. Approaches and learning strategies have the same meaning to explain how the teacher teaches and the students learn to achieve goals. The use of these two terms are often used interchangeably. Burden (1998) states that learning strategy is a method to deliver lessons that can help learners achieve learning goals. In general, approaches or learning strategies divided into two approaches / strategies are learner-centered and teacher-centered approach. On the other hand, learning strategies can also be classified into classical learning strategies, group and individual.

3 Learning Method

The learning method is a way teachers can use to implement a plan which is to achieve the learning objectives that have been arranged in the form of tangible or practical activities. If the strategy is still learning the conceptual learning methods have to be practical to implement. Coverage of the learning method is smaller than a strategy or model of learning.

4. Learning Technique

Learning techniques can be interpreted as a specific way a person does in applying a learning method. One method of learning could use some learning techniques. The specific learning techniques are therefore not suitable to be applied to all learning situations. For example, the method can ask questions using the focusing technique, promting questions and probing question

5. Tactics Learning

Tactics is a learning style in executing a particular method or technique that is individualized learning. Learning tactics is more directed at the efforts that teachers do have an interesting learning process and learning outcomes can be achieved. Teacher learning tactics used vary depending on the capabilities of each. For example, there is a teacher who likes to use humor to attract the attention of students, some who like to give gifts to the participants didikyang successfully answered questions, and interesting way to teach others.
B. Learning Model PAIKEM

PAIKEM which stands for Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and Fun. This learning model illustrates the whole learning process all the more enjoyable to engage learners to participate actively during the learning process. To be able to realize the active learning and the fun, of course, needed creative ideas and innovative teachers in selecting methods and designing learning strategies. The learning process is carried out by active and delightful expected more effectively to achieve the learning objectives that have been set previously. Active learning and fun are not effective when the learning objectives are not achieved properly.

C. Contextual Learning Methods

1 Investigation (Investigation)

Methods of investigation can be carried out in groups or individually. This method is done by involving learners in investigative activities (research / investigation). Activities learners starting from planning, determine the topic and how to do an investigation to resolve the topic. Just like a study, before plunging learners to investigate the required design: (1) what will be investigated; (2) how to conduct an investigation; (3) What tools are used to investigate; (4) how to report the results of the investigation.
Methods of investigation report writing skills training, communication skills and teamwork skills. Through these investigations, students are required to be active and creative. In order for the investigation activities fun, then teachers need to facilitate the investigation of topics of interest.
Implementation of the methods of investigation can be done with the following steps:
1) the teacher divides the students into several groups, each group consisting of 5 to 6 students with the characteristics

heterogeneous. The division of the group can be based on the pleasure of friends or common interests on a particular topic.
2) The group selects a topic to be studied,
3) Group investigation plan that contains the time, place, investigative strategies, investigative tools, etc.
4) Group to investigate in-depth the various subtopics that have been,
5) The group wrote an investigative report
6) The group prepares and presents the investigation report to the class.

Examples of the application of the idea of
​​investigative methods:
1) Learning Entrepreneurship in small industries such as studying the history of industrial development, raw material procurement, production and marketing processes
2) Learning of Biology in the school environment (garden) to observe plant breeding, insect life observing, classifying types of plants and rocks, etc..
3) Learning Materials Food in supermarkets, things are investigated, for example: types and names of vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices unfamiliar; identify the types of noodles and pasta; identify the types of fish, and so on.

2 Inquiry (Discovery)

Method of inquiry is a method that involves students in the process of collecting data and testing hypotheses. Teachers guide students to find new understanding, practice skills, and gain knowledge of their own learning experience. In the method of inquiry, students learn actively and creatively to seek knowledge.
Step inquiry refers to a model of reflective thinking of John Dewey's (1990). Stages of the inquiry conducted learners include: (1) identify the problem; (B) formulate hypotheses; (C) collecting the data; (D) analyze and interpret the data to test the hypothesis; (E) draw conclusions. Inquiry learning steps that teachers, namely:
1) Describe the purpose of learning
2) Divide the instructions inquiry or directions practicum
3) Assign students to carry out inqury
4) Monitor the implementation of inquiry
5) Summing up the results of the inquiry together

Examples of subject matter that can be done with the method of inquiry, for example:
1) Changes in the form of objects on objects around the house such as: wax is heated, the ice melted, the water is heated, melted cement, etc.. Learners are asked to observe the changes that occur in these objects
2) Forces and Motion (IPA) through observations on tools toys such as slingshots, archery arrows, toy cars, kites, clay, etc.. Learners are asked to distinguish style pull, push and change the style of motion.
3) Fluid, observing liquid (water, scented oil, cooking oil, oil, diesel fuel, liquid soap, etc.). Learning activities that can be done include: calculating the liquid density, liquid viscosity compare, test the Archimedes law, comparing kapileritas symptoms of a variety of liquids, etc..

3 Discovery learning.

Discovery learning is a strategy used to solve the problem intensively under the supervision of the teacher. In discovery, the teacher guides the students to answer or solve a problem. Discovery learning is a cognitive learning methods that require a more creative teacher creates a situation that can make learning active learners find their own knowledge. Bruner (1996) suggested that students learn through active involvement with the concepts and principles that can add to the experience, and lead to experimentation.
Teaching and learning activities using the discovery method similar to that inquiry. The difference lies in the role of teacher. In discovery methods teachers and learners are active. Discovery often applied science experiment in laborartorium teachers who still need assistance. Discovery learning steps that teachers are:
1) Describe the purpose of learning
2) Divide the lab instructions / experimental
3) Students carry out experiments under the supervision of teachers
4) The teacher shows the phenomenon observed
5) Students conclude the experimental results

Examples of materials that can be studied using the methods of discovery include:
1) Magnet, students observe objects that can be drawn by a magnet, teachers guide learners to infer about the properties of magnets.
2) Analysis on the nutrient content of foodstuffs.
3) Practice change in energy (chemical heat → → motion) and (chemical heat → → sound)
4) Practice Air System Administration (AC)
5) Practicum source of electrical energy from a bicycle dynamo

4.  Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is one form of learning that is used to train the ability to present content (content) subject matter with mind mapping (mind mapping). Mind map developed by Tony Buzan (2002) since the late 1960s as a way to encourage students to record only using keywords and images. Iwan Sugiarto (2004: 75) argues "mind mapping (mind mapping) is a technique to summarize the material to be learned, and projecting the problems encountered in the form of a map or chart techniques, making them easier to understand". This activity is an effort that can optimize the function of the left and right brain, which then in its application is helpful to understand the problem quickly because it has been mapped. Results of a mind map mind mapping. Mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or the other associated keywords and arranged around a main idea.

Mind mapping steps:
1) Teachers deliver the competency
2) The teacher put forward the concept / issues to be addressed by the student. Problems should be selected that has many alternative answers
3) Learners identify alternative answers in the form of mind maps or diagrams.
4) Some learners are given the opportunity to explain the idea of
​​mapping the concept of thinking.
5) From the data of the discussion, students were asked to make conclusions and give teachers the concept map has been provided as a comparison

Learning concept maps can be done with group and individual learning strategies. Potential subjects for the use of mind mapping is a method that many subjects requires understanding the concept. Examples of topics that may be made of mind mapping for example:
1) The cause of the flood and efforts to overcome
2) The factors that shape human behavior and character
3) chemical formulas contained in foodstuffs
4) The process of rain, etc.

5.  Methods Role Playing

The method of role playing, or play the role done by directing the students to simulate activity outside or dramatize the situation, idea, special characters. Teachers prepare and facilitate the role play and then followed up with a discussion. During the role play progresses, other students who are not at play given the task to observe, summarize and evaluate the messages hidden role play.
Role playing is used to help learners understand the perspectives and feelings of others according to the variations of personality and social issues. Role playing is used to describe the attitudes and concepts, test plans and problem solving, helping prepare students to understand the real situation and social situation in more depth. Playing the role can not be done spontaneously in the classroom with limited preparation. Playing the role of a potential to express feelings, develop an understanding of the feelings and perspectives of others, and demonstrate creativity and imagination to portray the character of life.
Step-by-step learning
1) The teacher explains the learning objectives and competencies to be achieved
2) Teachers provide scenarios to be studied
3) The teacher refers students to play several roles according to the figures contained in the scenario
4) Students who have been appointed in charge of playing the role of forward and play a role in front of other learners
5) Students who do not play a role in charge of special events to observe and evaluate the role of each character
6) Students reflect on activities together.

Examples of subjects and materials that can use these role playing method is:
1) The game guest roles on subjects and servants Tata Hidang
2) The conversation in a foreign language (demonstrating a good way to communicate using a foreign language)
3) The game role of the rich and beggars to arouse empathy learners
4) The game role of seller and buyer to train skills and become a seller of consumer good
5) game due to a first aid (first aid) to train students to handle accident cases in PMR activities (Red Cross Youth)

D. Conventional Active Learning Method

1 Lectures (lectures) and ask (questions)

Lecture and asked the basis for all other learning methods. Lecture method and a strategy in which the teacher asked to give an oral presentation and respond to learners prosecuted or record the teacher's explanation. To be more alive, the lecture method can be interspersed with questions and answers. Lectures are used to explain the information in a short time or for initiating and explain the learning task. Rosenshine and Stevens (1986) describes some of the aspects that must be considered in the application of the lecture method, namely: (1) the purpose and core subjects clearly stated; (2) the presentation is done step by step; (3) using special procedures and concrete; (3) check students' understanding.

Questions used when teachers conduct debriefing to determine the students understanding of a problem. Although this method is simple, but there are several types of questions that need to be known among other things: focused questions (focusing question) the question is only used to determine the learner's attention or understanding on the topic. Prompting questions are questions that use cues (hint) and hints (clues) as a tool learners in considering the answers or help students answer the question by saying the first letter or word. Example: What's the name novelist "Siti Nurbaya?" Lure teachers to give learners answer letters Mmm .... (Marah Rusli). Active Learning Model of Effective and Innovative Creative Fun Page 15

Probing questions are questions that are used to seek clarification and direct the students to answer the question more fully again.

2 Practice and training (practice and drills)

Practice is done after the material studied and should be done outside the hours of study or after the teacher demonstrations. Drill is used when students were told to repeat information on specific topics to learners can master the topics being taught. Practice and drills involving repetition (repetition) to assist learners have a better understanding and easier to recall information that has been submitted at the time needed.

E. Method Discussion

Discussion method in general shows learning activities that are not centered on the teacher and the teacher's role in learning is not explicit. Achievement of competence in theoretical subjects often using methods discussion that active learners and acquire knowledge based on their own findings. Several methods of discussion which provides an opportunity to create an active and fun atmosphere, among others.

1 Jigsaw

Jigsaw is a group discussion method. Each group consisted of four to six members. The subject matter is divided into several sub-topics and each member of the group responsible for understanding the subtopic. Team members from other groups who have studied the same subtopic met in a "group of experts (expert group) to discuss their subtopic. Subsequently, after discussions in expert groups, the students returned to the original group to teach or convey subtopic to members of their own group. Experts in other subtopics also act similarly, so that all learners can master all of the material that is assigned by the teacher.
Jigsaw steps:
1) Students are grouped into several groups / teams
2) Each member of the group was given the task of studying the different material
3) Members who have studied the parts / sub-chapter met with members of other groups are studying part / sub-chapters the same to form a new group (group of experts) to discuss the section they studied
4) After completion of discussions with a team of experts, each member of the team of experts return to their home groups, respectively, and present the results of their discussions alternately until all group members to master all of the material discussed.
5) The teacher gives the evaluation results of the study group

F. Cooperative learning.

Cooperative learning is done by dividing the students into groups or teams. Each group / team consists of some of the students who have different abilities. The teacher gives a task or problem to be done or solved by each group / team. One group had four to six members. Johnson & Johnson (1994) asserts that cooperative learning has five basic elements: (1) positive interdependence - that learners have to fill the responsibility of their own learning and help each other with other members in the group; (2) face to face interaction that students have an obligation to explain what is learned to other students who are members of the group; (3) individual accountability that each student must master the tasks themselves in the group; (4) social skills that each member must be able to communicate effectively, maintain respect with fellow members and working together to resolve the conflict; (5) processing group, the group must be able to assess and see how teams work together and they have to figure out how to be able to fix it.
There are several cooperative learning techniques that will be described here, four techniques were first developed by Robert Slavin antarnya (1991).

1.  Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)

CIRC is komprehenship method for learning to read and write the paper. This method is arranged for students to study or work in a manner in pairs. Learners are divided into two groups and given the task of reading separately, then each member of the group sections summarize the material being read. When one group is present the paper to read the results, then the other group served as listeners. Audiences duty to listen, make predictions end of the story, responding to stories, and completed the section is still lacking, and so on.
Steps (CIRC):
1) The teacher divides the students into two groups for pairs
2) Teacher gives discourse / materials to each group to read and make a summary
3) The teacher set a group that acts as a presenter and a group that acts as a listener
4) Group presenter read out a summary of the reading complete as possible, by incorporating the main ideas in the summary. Meanwhile, a group of listeners: (a) listening / correcting / show the main ideas that are less complete; (B) helps to remember / memorize the main ideas by connecting with the previous material or other material
5) the role of the exchange group group originally as presenters and listeners listening groups became renderer.
6) Summing up the results of the discussion together
2. Learning Together

Learning together is the cooperative learning method that is done by grouping students of different ability levels within the organization (Johnson and Johnson, 1994). Each team was given a task or project to be completed together. Each member of the project team took part in accordance with the interests and abilities.
The expected goal of this study is the learners are given maximum opportunity to show his best in a project. Each team is responsible for collecting the materials and information needed to complete a task or project. The final assessment is based on the quality of team performance. Each student in the team obtained the same value. The team should have tried to keep the team members contribute to the success of his team.
Learning steps:
1) The teacher gave a project to work on together by each group
2) The group split tasks to all members in accordance with the capabilities of
3) Each member of the group work in accordance with its responsibilities to achieve common goals so that if any member of the difficulty, the other members shall assist.
4) The value obtained by the work group

Examples of projects that can facilitate learning together, for example:
1) The practice of opening a salon service business: every member has the duty and responsibility of a different example, there is charge of cutting the hair, mengeramas and dry your hair, find customers, setting up and cleaning tools, etc..
2) Project prepared a feast: each member is on duty shopping, cooking, decorate, organize dish, and serve guests.
3) Writing scientific papers: each member of the group who is tasked with finding no reference, collect data, process the data and prepare reports on scientific work.

3.  Make - A Match (Looking Pair)

Learning methods of make a match a group learning method that has two members. Each member of the group is not known in advance but searched by similarity pairs such as pairs of questions and answers. Teachers make two raffle box, the first box and the second box contains matter contains the answer. Learners who have a matter of finding the students who got a suitable answer, and vice versa. This method can be used to generate activity students learn and suitable for use in the form of a game.
Make steps - a Match:
1) Teachers prepare two boxes of cards, one card box card box problem and the answer
2) Each student gets one card
3) Each student think of an answer / question from a card held
4) Each student looking for a partner who has a card that matches the card (question and answer)
5) Each student who can match his cards before the prescribed deadline given points
6) After one round, the card box is shaken again so that each student gets a different card from the previous

 4. Think Pair Share

Methods think pair and share a learning method which is done by sharing opinions among students. This method can be used as feedback the teacher taught the material. At the beginning of learning, the teacher delivering course material as usual. The teacher then sent two students to sit in pairs and discuss each teacher to discuss the material presented. Pair learners correct each mistake and each and explain the results of the discussion in the classroom. Teachers who have not mastered the material adds to the learners based on the presentation of the results of the discussion.
Steps And Think Pair Share:
1) Teachers convey the core material and the competency
2) Participants didikdiminta to think about the matter / problem set teacher
3) Participants pair up with a friend next didikdiminta (group 2) and express the ideas of each
4) The teacher leads a small discussion plenary, each group put forward the results of their discussions
5) Starting from these activities, the talks focused on the subject matter and add material that the student has not disclosed

That is some alternative techniques that can simultaneously use the teacher so that students in the learning process can be more interested in understanding the material conveyed by the teacher so that the goal can be achieved and the student teachers to understand well.

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